If you are gluten free you probably have noticed that you can add so much more texture and flavour in different recipes just by adding some nuts or seeds in them. In this recipe I am using almonds, but there are many other choices and combinations as well.
Special note about this recipe:
For this recipe you need to soak the almonds at least 12 hours. I used almonds which were soaked for 24 hours. In the recipe the quantity for almonds is before soaking them.
There are many reasons why to soak nuts, seeds or grains before eating them and many of these reasons have something to do with the healthy digestion:
- Soaking of nuts, seeds and grains will help remove or reduce phytic acid (binds nutrients like iron and zinc and prevents us absorbing them) and tannins. Neutralize the enzyme inhibitors and produce more beneficial enzymes. You will also increase the absorption of vitamins, specially B-vitamins.
Basic 2 for sulphite/sulfite issues. Almonds are low in sulphur/sulfur/thiols, but high in oxalates and if you know that oxalates are your enemy skip this recipe.
Almond-Flatbreads, makes 10 flatbreads
2 dl or 3/4 cups + 2 Tbsp. of Quinoa flakes
2 dl or 3/4 cups + 2 Tbsp. of Brown rice flour
1 dl or 1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp. of Almonds, raw, with skin, chopped. But soaked at least 12 hours. You can also remove the brown skin if you wish. Use fresh, good quality water for soaking the almonds and keep the almonds in the fridge during the whole time.
1 tsp. of Himalaya salt
3 dl or 1 cup + 4 Tbsp. of Water
Chop the almonds roughly. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and add water until you have a smooth mixture. The mixture might look like too liquid, but let it sit about 10 minutes, because the quinoa flakes need some time to absorb the liquid. Cover the baking tray with a good quality baking paper and put heaping tablespoons of the mixture on the paper and spread circles which are about 0,5 cm high.
Bake in the oven: 180 C or 350 F, about 12-15 minutes.
The Almond Flatbreads will keep well about one week in the fridge and for longer in the freezer.
I like to eat these flatbreads with orange-jam and pecorino cheese for breakfast, but I am sure you will have your own favourite way of eating them. You can share yours in the comment section if you want.
Those with sulphite/sulfite issues have probably noticed that jams and jellies are often on the list of foods what to avoid. When doing an elimination diet it is a good idea to avoid everything ready made, but after you have cleaned your system, and you have enough courage to try some foods again you probably want to try make some jams at home or look if you can find a jam which doesn't have any sulphites/sulfites added. Look for organic jam, since sulphur dioxide is used as a fungicide in some fruits like grapes and many no added sugar jams will contain grape juice as a sweetener. Luckily there are many organic jams available which are made with good quality ingredients or you can make your own.
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